All of It

All of It

Good Friday is the day Jesus saved you. Why did He do it? Because He loves you. How did He do it? He went to the cross for you. What happened at the cross? That is where Jesus took your guilt: ALL OF IT. That is where Jesus took your shame: ALL OF IT. That is where Jesus took your sin: ALL OF IT? But He didn't just take those from you, He also GAVE you three things in exchange: HIS INNOCENCE, HIS GLORY, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS: ALL OF IT!

In Crisis

In Crisis

How is God involved in the day-to-day joys and hardships of our lives? The answer is not necessarily what we want to hear, but it is something we desperately need to hear! The Story of Ruth is a powerful telling of how the very ordinary, seemingly mundane events of our lives play a part in God's master plan to restore the world. In fact, maybe they play a bigger part than any other!