All Things

Mark 9:21-22 | Consider the two major events that are on either side of this one. Just before Jesus encounters this father and his demon afflicted son, Jesus had been on the mountain! Transfigured in His heavenly glory! Just after this Jesus will enter Jerusalem as the Promised King arrives to save Zion! And yet, He is willing to stop, and ask the father: “How long has this been happening to him?” Read Mark 9:1-13 and Mark 11:1-11 and Zechariah 9:9-17.

Mark 9:22-23 | Who is Jesus? We ask that question so often but this moment demands that we do so again! He is True God and True Man! He is all good, He is all-powerful, He loves us and He wants us to ask Him for help! Let us stop praying “IF you can do anything...”!

Mark 9:23 | Hear His promise: “All things are possible for one who [is believing].” That word “believes” is a present active participle, which means it is a continuing, ongoing activity. Think of it like driving on a curvy road or white water rafting! You are constantly dealing with challenges, obstacles and unforeseen circumstances! Believing is a dynamic struggle of continuously looking to Jesus!

  • Don’t “qualify” these words. -- This means we don’t limit the word ALL. ALL MEANS ALL.

  • Don’t “quantify” these words. -- Believing is not about “how much faith” we have, but rather it is about a life of navigating impossible circumstances by way of trusting in HIM, who PROCLAIMS TO YOU THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

  • This is not about you! --Not about your capacity or ability or history! It is about HIS capacity, about HIS ability, about HIS history! Read Romans 5:6-21, Galatians 4:1-7, and 2 Corinthians 5:13-21.

Mark 9:24 | “I do believe! Rescue me from my unbelief!” The boy’s father prayed an honest prayer that we need to learn from and join in! Pray these words often to your Lord Jesus! He will respond to you exactly the way he did at this moment: He will love you and help you and indeed RESCUE YOU! Read Ephesians 2:1-10.

Mark 9:28-29 | Never underestimate the power of prayer. IT IS THE MOST POWERFUL ACTION YOU CAN TAKE. Invest time in learning to pray (read Matthew 6:5-18, 6:25-34 and 7:7-11), developing a rhythm of prayer (Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9), and cultivating “pray without ceasing” life (read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)!