Save Us Now

Genesis 49.11 | This was always the plan, from the very first book of the Bible in the prophecy about Judah, the tribe from whom Jesus would come. It was about a donkey and about the washing of clothing in a dark red liquid: the promise of salvation was given!
Dig Deeper: Read Genesis 49:9-12, 2 Samuel 7:11-15, Hosea 5:14, Revelation 5:1-10.

Zechariah 9.9 | This plan is a cause for rejoicing! The donkey is there again! And now this King on this donkey is coming to us! We do not go to Him, HE COMES TO US!
Dig Deeper: Read Zechariah 9:9-12.

Mark 11.9 | The people shout “HOSANNA” which means “SAVE US NOW”! They are spreading “leafy branches” (we learn elsewhere, read John 12:12-17, that these are primarily Palm Branches) and shout these words as Jesus enters Jerusalem as the KING OF KINGS.

REVELATION 7.9 | What does Salvation look like? A great multitude that no one could number! From EVERY nation, EVERY tribe and people and language! All these people standing in the throne room, clothed in those white robes which had been washed in the blood of the Lamb, and they had PALM BRANCHES in their hands!
Dig Deeper: Read Leviticus 23 (see how verse 40 fits into the celebrations)!

Revelation 7.17 | When were you saved? Was it when you first believed? When you were baptized? Or was it when Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the grave in 33 AD? Or is it NOW?!? YES. This is the power of God’s Word, working in you and me right here, right now. Hear His Promises, they are for you! And He most certainly will wipe away every tear from your eyes!

Dig Deeper: Read Ephesians 1:3-14. Study these words carefully, praying as you read them. They are deep and densely packed with powerful truth which will change the way you think about salvation, our daily lives and how we live now. Note verse 4 about the WHEN, note verse 5 about WHO YOU ARE, note verse 6 about His GRACE, note verse 10 as to His overarching purpose to REUNITE Heaven and Earth IN HIM, and finally, note verse 13 about His SEAL He put on you and how this, in verse 14, is a sure GUARANTEE to help us live in the NOW, while struggling in the midst of the NOT YET. HOSANNA!