He Is Willing

Mark 1:21-22 | Some say Jesus is a "good teacher". As CS Lewis wrote: "You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us." (Mere Christianity, Bk. II, Ch. 3). Jesus is the Lord. See John 8:48-59.

Mark 1:23-27 | When we follow Jesus, by definition, we have thrown our lot in with the LIGHT! This also means, by definition, that we will encounter the darkness. They know who He is. This is precisely why we gather, grow, encourage & share: so the light will overpower the darkness in our own lives! See John 15:3-8.

Mark 1:40-42 | Jesus came to start something completely new. He arrived, inaugurating the New Covenant, where His touch, born out of his deep compassion, went out, spreading His "clean"-ness with whomever He touched. And His Kingdom is born out of His deep compassion, out of His great love, out of His mercy and grace. See Hebrews 9:15-28 and 12:18-24.

Mark 1:43-44 | The man is cleansed, but then Jesus seems to get grouchy with him. Why? Because Jesus, despite this miracle, isn't here to just do miracles. For this man, cleansed of his skin disease, would still die. Jesus was here to bring an end to death itself. To bring an end to a world filled with demons and darkness, and instead create a place where light would permeate every nook and cranny. Jesus was here to give us new hearts which would seek after Him and would serve all of those around us. See Isaiah 61.

Jesus commanded the man to say "nothin' to nobody" (see Mark 16:8 where they had been told to tell about what happened and they said "nothin' to nobody"). When we look at Jesus, we have to ask: who is He? A Good teacher? Someone who makes us feel better? Or the actual Messiah...The Lord Himself? We need to remember: HE IS WILLING! HE HAS MADE US CLEAN! And He is inviting us to PARTICIPATE in His Kingdom! See Romans 12:1-21 and Colossians 3:1-17!