The Good News

Mark 1:1 | People use the word "gospel" in at least three ways: (1) something that is authoritative; (2) the word for the "Gospel of Mark," or "Gospel of John," etc.; (3) or Good News! When reading the Bible, always use this third definition! The Gospel is GOOD NEWS because it is the announcement of what GOD HAS DONE and IS STILL DOING for YOU! See Romans 1:16-17, Romans 3:21-26 and Galatians 1:6-8, Galatians 2:11-21.

Remember: "Christ" is Jesus' Title (not His last name)! Christ means MESSIAH which means "Anointed One", pointing us to all the promises of His coming in the Old Testament: See Isaiah 9:1-7, 11:1-9, 52:1-53:12, Psalm 2, 2 Samuel 7:11-16, Daniel 7:13-26 (just to name a few!!).

Mark 1:10 | Remember: Heaven is not only something "up there," it is the realm of God! With Jesus coming to Earth—which is not only something "down here," but is the realm of humans—His arrival splits heaven open and creates a massive OVERLAP between Heaven and Earth! Unlike every other message in the world (all of which consist of us needing to ascend, one way or the other, to the divine), only the GOOD NEWS has God coming DOWN to us! See Acts 13:32-39.

Mark 1:12-13 | Jesus fulfills every "jot and tittle" of the Old Testament, but especially the TORAH (the first five books of the Bible, sometimes called the LAW). Just as Israel wandered forty years in the desert, Jesus "exodused" in the desert for 40 days, and unlike Israel, was not threatened by wild beasts as He Himself was inaugurating the New Creation! See Exodus 32, Isaiah 35:7-10, 42:9, 43:19-20 48:6.

Mark 1:15 | There is no more waiting. God is here and He is looking you in the eye! Stop trying to "be good". Believe the good news! The "Kingdom of God" means that the Active Rule and Reign of God, through Jesus, the Messiah, has invaded this world with the most unstoppable force in the universe: HIS LOVE. Turn around and go with Jesus. Do it now. See Galatians 3:1-14.