In Reversal

Ruth 4:2 | In the Bible, a Redeemer is someone who pays a cost to acquire another who is in trouble. See Romans 5:1-11.

Ruth 4:13 | All children are a gift from the Creator! He forms us in our mothers' wombs, following the pattern we see in Ruth: In Crisis (we are born into brokenness), In Hope (we are given His promises), In Risk (He forces nothing on us), In Reversal (He Redeems us). See Galatians 4:1-7.

Ruth 4:21 | And His plan all unfolds, through family. We experience our lives from the first person, but we are invited, in faith, to trust Him in the bigger picture! God worked In Crisis, In Hope, In Risk and In Reversal through Family in Salmon and Rahab's lives to raise up Boaz. Then, He did the same in the lives of Boaz and Ruth to raise up Obed, who then gave rise to Jesse, who then gave rise to David, who then gave rise, eventually, to Jesus. See 2 Samuel 7:11-16.

Acts 13:36-37 | As Paul tells the story of Jesus, he shows how Jesus came from David. But He also shows the difference between them: Jesus rose from the dead! See 1 Corinthians 15:1-32.

Acts 13:38-39 | In Reversal means: All Things Being Made Right. The way they always ought to have been. It is quite easy to see "Crisis" in each of our lives. We can also see much "Risk". But HOPE points to a complete REVERSAL. This Reversal begins now: through forgiveness! And forgiveness is not future, it is NOW. "It is proclaimed to you!" The Reversal continues, however, into the future to the day when death itself will be completely undone, on the day Jesus comes back. This is what we believe, teach and confess!

We are set free to be people of The Great Reversal! We live in God's Mercy and Grace, looking for ways to join Him in what He is already doing! Sharing the Love and Hope of Jesus with everyone through the circumstances of our lives, letting His light shine through us! Dig Deeper: Romans 12:1-15:13!