Hindsight is 2020

ISAIAH 63:7 | The Hebrew word “CHESED” means a “never-stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever” love! It is God’s Undeserved Loving Kindness which He has poured out upon you! See 1 John 4:9-12.

ISAIAH 63:8 | Jesus is your Savior. This means He saved you. In any other context, we wouldn’t struggle with this idea: if we say the firefighter saved the person from the fire, we would understand. When we say that Jesus saved you, it has the same meaning: rescue, deliverance, ultimate salvation. He saved us from what we would have done to ourselves: an eternity of brokenness! Now we are reunited with Him, we are once again His heirs, participating with Him in the restoration of all things! See Romans 5:6-11.

ISAIAH 63:9A | The Lord never looks down upon us from a distance. He is always near, He is always with us! He feels what WE feel. Just as He invites us to participate in what He is doing, He participates in what WE are doing. You are never alone! See Isaiah 53:1-5.

ISAIAH 63:9B |Why does God do what He does? Because of His LOVE and because of His MERCY. He has purchased us back, He has lifted us up and He is carrying us! JUST AS in the “days of old”! We always know of His love and mercy because we look back to the CROSS! We see that day when and that place where He purchased us back. We then look back at the EMPTY TOMB! We see that day when and that place where He rose from the dead, the Firstborn of the New Creation! See Galatians 4:4-7.

Jesus has redeemed our past and He is preparing our future so that we are free to live in the present!

DIG DEEPER: Read John chapters 14, 15 and 16. See how Jesus relates what HE has done into how His disciples should push forward, and how Jesus will continue to help them along the way. This is all true for us now!