Who is Who?

MARK 3:21 | Jesus is hard to see because He constantly shreds our assumptions and expectations, leaving us with only the truth. Jesus is either a lunatic (as his family was now convinced), a liar (as the religious leaders were convinced, that He was a full-on demon) or He is LORD! See John 8:12-59.

MARK 3:22 | The teachers of the law make it clear: they think Jesus is a demon representing the prince of demons! "Beelzebub" means "house of Baal" (See Matthew 10:22-25) which demonstrates their contempt for Jesus. Understanding that the language is about "houses" helps understand the parable Jesus tells them next.

MARK 3:24, 27 | Jesus reveals His specific plan right in the parable! He must first bind the "strong man" (the devil) and then Jesus can plunder his house, which means, to rescue the people who are enslaved there: US! Two important facts follow: (1) Jesus is STRONGER than the devil, and the issue of evil in the spiritual realms must be dealt with, (2) Jesus is referencing Isaiah 49:24-26 and foreshadowing Luke 10:17-18 and Revelation 20:1-3 which will happen as Jesus' ministry unfolds: culminating at the Cross and Empty Tomb!! (Learn more about Revelation at our Breakfast Bible Study on Wednesdays!)

MARK 3:28-29 | Always remember: "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" means rejecting Jesus! It is that simple. Never fear that one can "accidentally" offend God or "trip" and fall into this kind of sin. Instead: "ALL the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them!" God has brought heaven to earth to save His children, do not reject this gift! Jesus does not care about your past, He is here to rescue you, period. See John 3:1-21.

MARK 3:34-35 | God works through Family! His children! He sent His Son to save and restore all His children! His will is that we would believe His promises and follow Him! Believe this and you will see. See Mark 1:15, 2:17 and John 1:12-13, Romans 8:1-17, and Galatians 3:23-4:7!