What does it look like when we deal with life on God's Terms rather than our own? It is life BY FAITH!
A New Living Way
One Sacrifice
Shadow & Substance
Anchor for the Soul
Approach With Confidence
Symptoms of “churchianity” include (1) Quoting the Bible more than Reading the Bible (2) Focusing more on ideas and principles than PEOPLE who are made in the image of God (3) expecting other people’s behavior to conform to ours.
Contrast with: (1) Discover His Story! Hint: it’s much bigger than just the fact that He died and rose again! (2) Spend time with Him (3) Imitate Him! It is about conforming our HEARTS to His!
Place of Rest
One Family
These Last Days
The Forever
The Horizontal
The Vertical
The Bride
Savior Silhouettes Part 07: Do I need to “go to church” to be saved? We ARE the church! Can’t I just worship God anywhere? Worship = our whole lives! Isn’t the church filled with hypocrites? Hypocrisy is not when “bad people” attend a worship service, it is when “good people” sneer at “bad people”! WE ALL NEED JESUS! So join us as we learn more about THE BRIDE!!