A New Living Way

His Promise

Hebrews 10.10 || Holy is a word used frequently in the Bible. While some define it as a synonym for “good” that is not the Biblical definition. Holy means “set apart” or “utterly different” or “completely unique”. Certainly, part of being set apart or unique can include being good, but the most critical thing to remember is this: we have been made holy by Jesus once for all! This is not our doing, it is HIS PROMISE!

Hebrews 10.14 || Now the passage cranks up the promise: we have been made perfect forever! “Nobody’s perfect” is a common phrase in our vernacular, but HIS PROMISE declares that those who believe what He says, now have what He promises! You are PERFECT in the eyes of God!

Hebrews 10.19-20 || A New and Living way happens for us when we believe His Promise! The barriers between us and God have been torn down, accomplished by what Jesus has done when He died on the cross and rose from the grave!

Dig Deeper: Exodus 19:5-6, Isaiah 6:1-6, 49:1-7, 52:7-53:5, John 15:9-17, Ephesians 1:11-14, 1 Peter 2:9-10

A Matter of the Heart

Hebrews 10.26 || We know from many places in God’s Word that “sin” is a brokenness, a darkness, which oozes through this broken world. It is “crouching at our door”, it is “desiring to have us” to “live in us” producing every kind of evil and jaded thought. It is something that infects every human and every aspect of the universe. It is the cause of disease and death. While it influences our behavior and sometimes we intentionally embrace it through our behavior, it is ultimately a matter of the heart. If we “deliberately keep on sinning,” this means we embrace it wholeheartedly. We redefine good and evil for ourselves. Repentance is when our hearts are oriented away from the brokenness, seeking Jesus as the Lord of good and evil and trusting in His behavior on our behalf!

Dig Deeper: Genesis 4:1-16, Psalm 14, John 3:1-8, Romans chapter 3-8

Hebrews 10:39 || The solution is not “behavior modification”. The solution is Jesus. He gives us His Spirit, we put our faith in HIM, trusting His promises and then He pours out His Spirit upon us to “preserves our soul” which means to protect us, preserve us and deliver us from the brokenness.

Dig Deeper: Jeremiah 31:31-33, Galatians 5