Place of Rest

Come Into the Place

Hebrews 4.1 || His Rest is a place we enter into! It is a gathering of us into His presence. It is HIS REST which HE GIVES TO US! However, the author cautions us: let us “be careful”! This caution is needed, because HIS REST is the OPPOSITE of what we would expect…

Hebrews 4.2 || “You need to rest more!” is not hope, not promise, it is command. God’s Rest is the opposite of this! Rest comes through FAITH! NOT THROUGH WORK.

John 6.28-29 || ß Write these words on your heart. The “hardened” heart always seeks WORKS before God. The heart set free believes the promise of Jesus that the WORK of God is “to BELIEVE in the One He has sent” (which is Jesus Himself!).

Hebrews 4.7 || Receive the gift of the word “Today”. Hear His voice and let HIM soften your heart.

Dig Deeper: Leviticus 23:33-43, 25:8-17, Isaiah 61:1, Jeremiah 32:38-41, Matthew 11:25-30, Luke 4:14-30

What Happens Here

Hebrews 4.9-10 || Preserved from the Old Covenant into the New Covenant is the SABBATH CELEBRATION! A celebration of what the Lord has done as we come here to ENTER—AGAIN—INTO HIS REST. This gives us rest from our work just as it did for Him!

Dig Deeper: Mark 2:23-28, Colossians 2:16-17

Hebrews 4.12 || Always remember God’s Word is a DOUBLE-edged sword, cutting two ways: LAW (what we are to do to conform to His will) and GOSPEL (what HE does for us to achieve His will). The power of the Gospel is that it SETS US FREE from the burden of the Law so that we can PARTICIPATE in God’s Rest and His Mission to share the Love and Hope of Jesus with everyone!

Dig Deeper: Isaiah 55, Matthew 24:32-35, John 5:24-25, Romans 1:16, 8:1-3