Why would God tell Hosea to marry a prostitute? What is he communicating to us, and what should we be hearing? Join us for this special three-week dive into Hosea, as we seek to grow in our understanding of what the Lord is up to...as He pursues you and me as his BRIDE!
Be A Warrior
Be An Obeyer
Be A Submitter
Be Filled
Renewed & Included
Called & Equipped
Rooted & Grounded
Through The Church
One New Humanity
We ARE There Yet
Your Inheritance
He Is Risen
All of It
Good Friday is the day Jesus saved you. Why did He do it? Because He loves you. How did He do it? He went to the cross for you. What happened at the cross? That is where Jesus took your guilt: ALL OF IT. That is where Jesus took your shame: ALL OF IT. That is where Jesus took your sin: ALL OF IT? But He didn't just take those from you, He also GAVE you three things in exchange: HIS INNOCENCE, HIS GLORY, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS: ALL OF IT!