How do we live by the Spirit? This is the age-old question and the answer will surprise you!
For Freedom
Resurrection of the Body
Then What Happened?
Who is Valued
Who Is Cherished
Who Is The Enemy
Both a question and a statement, “Who Is the Enemy” is a message we learn from sitting at the feet of Jesus as He teaches His famous Sermon on the Mount. While some people may measure their righteousness by what they DO, Jesus measures by what is on our hearts. He minces no words, so we need His Word more than ever!
Who Is The Light
Who is Blessed
The Snake Crusher
Did God Really Say?
They Will Become One
The Breath of Life
The story of the Bible is personal. A Personal God seeks to give life to His children, and when they go astray, He is the father that is out on the road looking for them. He is the One who saves them. Not just for a fluffy bunny salvation, but for a fully physical, fully spiritual, fully eternal life!