Proverbs 3:5-6 | The TRUTH About Anxiety, which we learned last week, is that JESUS HAS DELIVERED YOU! Our great challenge then, is living in that reality and actually trusting Him in that! We remember 1 Peter 5:7-11, where we cast our Anxieties upon Him, but being alert to the fact that the devil, the deceiver, the accuser is prowling around looking to destroy us! So we do NOT lean on our understanding of matters, but rather we “YA-DA” the Lord; which means: We look for Him, notice Him working, listen for Him, learn about Him and speak of Him!

Matthew 6:33 | Remember the word here is “merimnao” which has more to do with “anxiety” than simply “worrying”. Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, which is His active reign in this dark, broken world! Do NOT think: “If I’m good, then He’ll help me,” but rather, “When He’s with me, I will not be deceived to run away or fight against Him!” HE IS WITH YOU NOW!

Philippians 4:4-5 | We are deceived to think the Lord is far from us. The promise: FREEDOM is found in knowing and believing that He is NEAR. His presence is the source of our Joy! See Psalm 51:12!

Philippians 4:6 | The call to “not be anxious,” is not a an empty quip such as, “don’t worry, be happy,” but rather a reminder that we have God Almighty standing by our side! The liar convinces us not to pray. Hear God’s promises instead! Give Him everything that is in your heart! See Romans 15:13!

Philippians 4:7 | He gives us His Peace, which comes from the word “Shalom”. Not just the absence of conflict, but the actual restoration of that which has been lost! His Shalom goes far beyond our ability to comprehend or understand and His Shalom will shield us, guard us, keep us IN JESUS! HE is our deliverance from Anxiety! And He is HERE. NOW.

Dig Deeper: Psalm 118:24, Isaiah 55:6-12, John 15:11, 16:22-24, 33; 1 John 1:4.