Grab a Bible. If it fits your style, also grab a journal to write in.
Which Bible version is best? The one you read! If you don’t have one, let us know! Print, Online, and Apps are available.
Invite family or friends to join you.
Pray! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you read. HE WILL.
Check to see if there is a video to watch today
Look up and read the assigned reading for the day.
Look up the assigned Psalm that day: pray it out loud.
Pray! Ask the Father to apply those readings to your life and to help you join Jesus where He is already working. HE WILL.
Participate in Worship on Sunday!
Prefer a printable study guide? Click this button which contains our reading guide from now through the end of March. All the videos will be here, so check back each week!
January 21
Read Exodus 13-15, then Pray Psalm 21. Pharaoh is never named in the story, even though this was a real historical account. Speculation about which historical figure this was has been rampant throughout time. We are left to wonder, has God prevented us from discovering His name?
January 22
Read Exodus 16-18, then Pray Psalm 22. After reading Exodus 16 and 17 make time to read John 6 and 7.
January 23
First, watch "Exodus Ch. 19-40":
Next, read Exodus 19-21, then Pray Psalm 23. Note Exodus 19:5-6 then read Galatians 3:6-29.
January 24
First, watch The Law:
Next, read Exodus 22-24, then Pray Psalm 24. Be sure to read Romans 13:8-14 to see how the law functions for us, now that we are in Christ Jesus!
January 25
First, watch the TORAH series video, The Book of Exodus Overview, Part 2 of 2:
Next, read Exodus 25-27, then Pray Psalm 25. Note how Exodus 25:17 is referred to in Romans 3:25: the phrase “sacrifice of atonement” in the NIV or “propitiation” in the ESV are English translations of the word hilasterion in Greek, kapporet in Hebrew. This is the word from Exodus 25:17 referring to the Mercy Seat or Atonement Cover on the Ark of the Covenant. Watch how this seat/cover is used as the story unfolds, remembering that Jesus is this for US!
January 26
Read Exodus 28-29, then Pray Psalm 26. After this, read Hebrews 8.
January 27
Read Exodus 30-31, then Pray Psalm 27. While all of this seems bizarre at best to us, take note that Jesus is the fulfillment of all of it! Read Hebrews 9.