Grab a Bible. If it fits your style, also grab a journal to write in.
Which Bible version is best? The one you read! If you don’t have one, let us know! Print, Online, and Apps are available.
Invite family or friends to join you.
Pray! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you read. HE WILL.
Check to see if there is a video to watch today
Look up and read the assigned reading for the day.
Look up the assigned Psalm that day: pray it out loud.
Pray! Ask the Father to apply those readings to your life and to help you join Jesus where He is already working. HE WILL.
Participate in Worship on Sunday!
Prefer a printable study guide? Click this button which contains our reading guide from now through the end of March. All the videos will be here, so check back each week!
January 14
Read Genesis 43-45, then Pray Psalm 14. Consider the role that identity plays in this story, which is to say, how the “who they are” is more important than “what they have done”!
January 15
Read Genesis 46-47, then Pray Psalm 15. The promise to Abraham is repeated to Jacob, but with specifics: “I will make you a great nation there.” Consider how this story, though about individuals, is always so much bigger than only the individuals themselves! God works both on the micro level in very personal ways, while at the same time, works on the macro level. (See Acts 17:24-31).
January 16
Read Genesis 48-50, then Pray Psalm 16. Take special note of Genesis 49:8-12, the prophesy regarding Judah. Read Revelation 5:5-14 to see how God’s Word shows fulfillment of this prophesy! Also, compare Genesis 50:19-20 with Romans 8:28-39.
January 17
Read Exodus 1-3, then Pray Psalm 17. Exodus’ is called “Names” in the Hebrew Bible. Pay attention to whose names are revealed (and whose are not)! Note Exodus 1:6 regarding the phrase “fruitful and multiplied” matches the language from Genesis 1. Also, in Exodus 2:12, murder is certainly not God’s Will, but Moses is, in fact, a man who will stand opposed to what is wrong.
Spend a little extra time in Exodus 3! Note verse 12, where God says, “I will be with you.” Then in verse 14 where God says, “I AM WHO I AM,” and lastly in verse 15, where God says, “The Lord, the God of your fathers…”. Now sound out the words in Hebrew:
EHWEH = I will be
YAHWEH = HE will be
January 18
Read Exodus 4-6, then Pray Psalm 17. Ever wonder why God didn’t just go to Pharaoh Himself? Why fuss around with this very broken, very messed up Moses fellow? Even more, why does God spend so much time teaching Moses how to use A STICK?!?
Hint: God works through people! God works through stuff! See: Matthew 26:17-30 and Colossians 2:9-15.
January 19
Read Exodus 7-9, then Pray Psalm 18. Pay careful attention to the order of the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. While God had told Moses that He would harden Pharaoh’s heart, it is Pharaoh who does so first (Exodus 8:15, then 8:32, and then God does it in 9:12).
Side note: Many scholars believe, though we don’t have evidence to prove, that each of the plagues corresponds to one or more of the gods (read: demons) that the Egyptians worshiped.
January 20
Read Exodus 10-12, then Pray Psalm 20. Take note of Exodus 12 and the story of the Passover. Then read John 1:29 and John 2:13 (which gives context to 2:19) and John 13:1 and John 19:14-37.