Resurrection Breakfast

Resurrection Breakfast

We don’t put our trust in Jesus because He was a “good teacher” or because He was a “good man”. No, we follow Jesus because He rose from the dead. And His Resurrection changes everything, especially for us, because it defines who we are…not in mere terms of our short grief-stricken lives…but in terms of our eternal participation with Him in the restoration of all things!

Still Believing

Still Believing

Our world often describes death as a “natural part of life.” This is, by far, the biggest and most egregious lie in the universe. DEATH IS THE END OF LIFE. We were not created to die. We were created to live forever. This is why Jesus Came to Save Us! He came to give us eternal, bodily, resurrected LIFE!!!!!

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

We learned on Palm Sunday that God does not send people to hell, He saves people from hell!

We learned on Maundy Thursday that the Savior’s infinite generosity comes to us in a meal that gives us power to then PARTICIPATE with Him to take what we’ve been given and share it, namely His life-giving love.

We learned on Good Friday, Jesus' powerful words: IT IS FINISHED.

On Easter—RESURRECTION DAY—we are going to come to the tomb early and see His promises fulfilled as we discover the EIGHTH DAY OF CREATION...

Good Friday

Good Friday

This Holy Week we have journeyed with the Savior into Jerusalem.

We learned on Palm Sunday that God does not send people to hell, He saves people from it, this is why we call Jesus the SAVIOR not the condemner!

We learned on Maundy Thursday that the Savior’s infinite generosity comes to us in a meal that gives us power to then PARTICIPATE with Him to take what we’ve been given and share it, namely His life giving love.

Which brings us tonight, to the cross, where Jesus proclaims: IT IS FINISHED. What, exactly, is He talking about here? You are invited to join us as we go with Jesus to the cross.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Tonight is the night when He gave us His Supper, when He began the New Covenant to make us His people, and the night when He also gave us a NEW COMMAND, or mandatum, to love one another just as He has loved us.

But how in the world could we ever even begin to do this?!?

Well, that is exactly what tonight's gathering, which starts at 6:30 pm, is all about. You are invited!

Faith & Work

Faith & Work

The age old “faith vs. works” debate is a waste of time. Jesus, who IS the way, the truth, and the life, gives us new categories to work with: Our work IS to believe in Him! And when we believe, He gives us the power to do! You are invited to join us today!

Loves & Fish

Loves & Fish

Just who IS this guy anyway? So many have tried to quantify or qualify just who Jesus is. As CS Lewis famously described: He is either a liar, a lunatic or He is THE LORD. You cannot call Him a good teacher, for He has not left that option available to us! But once we start to grapple with this fact, then what does that mean for us?!?

Life & Death

Life & Death

How should we read the Bible? As a rule book? A guide to goodness? Great literature? Or, is it God's Word that points us to Jesus? The Bible has many rules, certainly does show how to "be good," and contains the best literature ever written, but make no mistake: The Bible was given to us to lead us to Jesus! And this reality is a matter of life and death!

Father & Son

Father & Son

Today as we follow Jesus in the Gospel of John, He calls God "My Father." This enrages the religious authorities to the point that they sought to kill Jesus, despite the fact that He was bringing justice and righteousness as He was sent by the Father to do…join us for our study of Father & Son!

Signs & Wonders

Signs & Wonders

Signs & Wonders provoke faith. They create a dividing line in history. Did they happen? Are they mere legends to illustrate a point or are they historical moments when God moved in our world to make a change? In our time, we often encounter the phrase “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” This is a clever quip which sounds “sciency” but is actually the opposite of science. Regardless of where we begin, with faith or science, the facts are where we must face the reality of Jesus. Join us as we go deep into these powerful places as we study John 4:43-54.

Spirit & Truth

Spirit & Truth

Jesus demonstrates the radical nature of His ministry by going to a place no one would go and to a people no one would love and to a person no would be caught dead with...but that He would die for! This reality introduces us to the notion that Jesus guides us to worship in Spirit & Truth!

Increase & Decrease

Increase & Decrease

What does “He must increase, but I must decrease,” mean when John the Baptist says it? When we study the context it may surprise you and it definitely will bless you! Join us today as we learn to rightly divide the heavenly from the earthly so that we are free to participate with Jesus in the restoration of all things!

Light & Darkness

Light & Darkness

What is Jesus’ purpose? What is God’s core value? What is faith itself? These foundational questions are at the heart of what Jesus has to say to us today as He proclaims His love and mission to rescue each one of us. Join us as we debunk many false narratives about who God is and proclaim the truth about what He is here to do as we contrast Light and Darkness!

Water & Spirit

Water & Spirit

Jesus, in a radical move, declares that it is God Himself who must do something to us so that we can be with Him. And this move it to literally give us birth from above! But, as Nicodemus asks today: “How can these things be?” Let’s go to Jesus together and discover the answers because they change everything! HE changes everything!

Temples & Churches

Temples & Churches

We are shown a radical scene: Jesus enters the Temple and intervenes in the corruption and evil taking place in the House of His Father. But then He does something far more radical: He declares HIMSELF to be the Temple! Join us as we delve into what this means for each of us as we are IN HIM and He IN US, so that the Church is made up of Temples, of which HE is the Head! You are invited!