Feasts & Wine

Feasts & Wine

The Story of the Wedding at Cana confronts all of our religious assumptions! Did Jesus really turn the water into WINE? Why would he do a thing like that? The answers are surprising and amazing. Join us for "FEASTS & WINE" as we continue our walk through the Gospel of John and discover LIFE IN JESUS' NAME!

Lamb & Sin

Lamb & Sin

John the Baptist saw Jesus and said: “Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!” Why did John call Jesus THE LAMB and how does He take away the sin of the world? What does all of this mean for us? Join us as we jump with both feet into the words of John 1:29-51!

The End is Where We Begin: Part Four

The End is Where We Begin: Part Four

Advent is about waiting on Jesus…but what do we do while we wait? He had MUCH to say about this and it might shock you to discover just exactly who “WE ARE” in His grand scheme of the universe. Are we called to love our neighbors? Certainly! Are we called to love even our enemies? Of Course! But there is something more that we don’t want to miss as we conclude our Advent journey discovering exactly who WE ARE!

The End is Where We Begin: Part Three

The End is Where We Begin: Part Three

The Season of Advent reminds us of the POWER of God, which is the Cross and the Empty Tomb. And it reminds us of the POSTURE of God’s people, who are hoping, waiting, and expecting Jesus’ return! And this season restates our PURPOSE: we live our lives in HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE, discovering our Vocations and helping to build and expand our Master’s household! Join us as we grow as the people waiting for the ADVENT of Jesus!

The Fallen Tent - Wednesdays in Advent

The Fallen Tent - Wednesdays in Advent

For our Wednesday journeys in Advent, we are digging into the book of the 12, sometimes called the “Minor Prophets.” Nothing is minor about their message, as we see tonight in Amos!

God’s people have ignored those in need, and have focused on Greed and Lust and earthly Power. That is going to come to an end and something different will arise in its place…join us to learn more!

how resTore

how resTore

How do we resTore broken lives?

Galatians 6:1-5 says: “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load.”



As followers of Jesus, we join Him in the Mission He has already begun. We are a church that was planted for the purpose of planting more churches! This is the best way to connect with those who are disconnected from Jesus. And the Lord is already moving to make this happen, we are joining Him in what He has started!

What is resTore? A missional community forming in Hollister, to be based near the Hollister High School, with a heart for the broken. Together we will do God’s work, God’s way, and trust in His supply.

Repent II

Repent II

Today we SEE repentance in action. It consists of two parts: Grieving Sin and Trusting Jesus.

But more happens in David’s story. Because an innocent child dies. Our sense of justice is inflamed. And even while we stare into the eyes of our Creator, He has a plan for another innocent person to die, so that we can, so that all things can be made right. Even while we are questioning God’s justice, He is planning to have an Innocent One die for the guilty!

And so while we might learn from David’s example, we are SAVED by Jesus’ Actions!

Blind Bartimaeus

Blind Bartimaeus

What did the blind man get to SEE? Nick and Lucy Della Valle present "Blind Bartimaeus", bringing the Bible to life by acting out the events of Mark 10:46-52...and what happened next! What happened to Bart when Jesus restored his sight? He followed Jesus and SAW. You are invited to COME AND SEE through Bart's newly opened eyes what he SAW!



So often church becomes a myriad of personal preferences or is even viewed like a business like a restaurant or theater! CHURCH = BODY (Gather!) where we learn our IDENTITY (Grow!) and our STORY (Encourage!) and are formed into disciples through EXPERIENCE (Share!). Praise & Worship is a place where struggling, suffering, grieving, hurting, fearing and failing people GATHER, GROW, ENCOURAGE and SHARE! Because Jesus loves each one of us in this most excellent way! We are a Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Community.



Our Mission Festival continues with our focus on us as Ambassadors! “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us,” 2 Corinthians 5:20. We exist as ambassadors through the love of Jesus, which manifests itself as encouragement! We point people to Jesus, we teach people about Jesus, and we implore others: “Be Reconciled to God!” You are invited to learn with us!



The Apostles’ Teaching is God’s Word! The Fellowship, from the Greek word “koinonia” (in Latin it is “communion”!) means participating in community, which naturally includes the Breaking of Bread: The Lord’s Supper! The Prayers include the collecting of all the requests of the people! Our gatherings are based upon these powerful gifts of God and worship is exactly that: Where God serves us! We feast upon God’s Word, literally! And He is present with us, BODILY!