Some will say Jesus is a "good moral teacher". This cannot be true. He is either a Lunatic, a Liar or He is the LORD! Join us for our study of John 8, when Jesus delared to everyone exactly who He is!
What do you do when it is too icy to gather for worship? Make a goofy video where we can still gather around the promises of Jesus: HE IS THE BREAD OF LIFE!
Are you religious? What does that word even mean? Jesus confronts all kinds of religious notions when He turns the water into wine and turns over the temple tables. Join us for John's second chapter, and thus the second answer to the question: Who Is Jesus? THE TEMPLE OF GOD.
Join us as we begin our journey through the Gospel of John, which seeks to answer in multiple important ways: Who is Jesus? He is the Light. He is the Lamb of God. He is the Son of God. Come along for this amazing journey!
How can we live in the tension of the "now" and the "not yet"? What do we do to participate in the marriage supper of the Lamb? It all happens THROUGH LOVE.
Our study of HOW to Pray takes us to the final petition of the Lord's Prayer: Deliver Us! What does it mean to battle the dark powers in the heavenly realms?
On what basis do we define the words "good" and "evil"? And what does God have to say about these words? In the wake of the horrific tragedy at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX, we must face this question head on!
Our day of celebration! Baptisms! Confirmation! Reformation! And NOTHING can separate us from the Love of Christ: our Rescuer. We have total victory. Love has conquered and will continue to conquer!
One of the biggest questions people face: “How can I know that I’m saved?” When we are baptized, we have certainty of us being united with Jesus forever. He promises!