The Cornerstone

EPHESIANS 2:8-10 | God saved you! He did it by GRACE, which means giving you what you did not deserve. He did it through FAITH, which means taking life on God’s terms. He gave it to you as a GIFT, you had nothing to do with it. He did all of this because we are His “masterpiece” (“poy-ay-oh” in Greek), that is: the work of an Artisan. He did this so we would participate with Him in His GRAND BUILDING PLAN! See Galatians 3 & 4 & 5.

EPHESIANS 2:11A...12-13 | “Gentiles” were the outsiders. But NOW, through His blood, we are all brought in off the street and adopted into the household of God! It was His plan all along! See Isaiah 49:6!

EPHESIANS 2:14-15A | To build the new building, Jesus Himself had to become our peace. Our SHALOM, our restoration! He did this by tearing down the dividing wall, abolishing the Law by fulfilling the Law and paving the way for one new humanity! See Isaiah 28:10-15.

EPHESIANS 2:19-20 | Who are you? Fellow Citizens! Fellow Members of God’s house! BUILT upon God’s Word, Who is Jesus Himself, the CORNERSTONE, all through the wonders of His love! Because He is the Cornerstone, no circumstances can ever separate us from His love, take us “out of the house” or stop what He will do in us and through us! See Isaiah 28:16-19, Romans 8:31-39.

EPHESIANS 2:21-22 | The Good News is that His Building Project is not about escape, but restoration: bringing all things in heaven and earth together in Christ, who is building us up to be the dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit! It is happening now. See Ephesians 1:4-10!

We will call our new headquarters: The Praise & Worship Center! It will be the center-place from which we will launch out, one of many places where we will Gather, Grow, Encourage & Share!

DIG DEEPER: John 10, 1 Peter 2:4-12