
Matthew 28:18-19A | Always read Matthew 28:18-20 together with Daniel 7:13-14! See where Jesus begins the connection in Matthew 26:62-64. Jesus is the Rescuer, the Son of God and the Son of Man. The One who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth! And here He is, using all of His authority to do...what? To command us to MAKE DISCIPLES! (Not church-attenders!)

We must always remember that we are making disciples by way of HIS authority!

Matthew 28:19B | A remarkable moment in the story of God: Jesus commands the making of disciples of ALL NATIONS! Every nation, tribe, and tongue! See Ephesians 2:11-22. The mission field = humanity!

Matthew 28:19C | How are disciples to be made? First: Baptizing them in the Name! Another remarkable moment: that we are to receive God’s Triune Name through Baptism! See also Romans 6:3-5, Colossians 2:9-15 and 1 Peter 3:21-22.

Matthew 28:20A | How are disciples to be made? Second: Teaching them to “guard & keep” all He has taught! Note that “obey” in Greek is normally “hypakouo”, but here Jesus uses “tereo” which has a stronger sense of “holding onto” or “guarding” or “keeping” all that He has commanded us to guard and keep! See Matthew 5:3 & 5:14-16, John 6:28-29 and Galatians 3:1-14!

Matthew 28:20B | As Pastor Dar would say: this is the Great CO-MISSION. Always Remember: Wherever the KING is, that’s where the KINGDOM is! Trust His promise! HIS PROMISES = HIS POWER. See Romans 1:16.

Dig Deeper: Exodus 40:11-15, John 16:1-15, Acts 2:38-39, and Romans 6:1-23.