
Romans 8:2 | The law of the Spirit of life is what comes through Jesus: creating an environment of healing, setting people free from the brokenness and giving hope. Remember from last week: Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” - Matthew 9:12

Romans 8:14-15 | Not a spirit of fear! It is the spirit of SONSHIP! His Spirit establishes WHO WE ARE, so that we can cry out to Him...never in fear but in HOPE!

Romans 8:22-23 | Everything in our world is broken. And because of this the whole creation GROANS, and we too are GROANING. The rescue mission is still underway, bringing more and more people home! See Luke 19:10!

Romans 8:26 | What does an environment of healing look like? It looks like a place where wounds and weaknesses shouldn’t shock anyone. It is a place where the Spirit Himself is interceding! Groaning with us! On our behalf! Churches are not clubs for the righteous, they are hospitals for the broken!

Romans 8:28 | The greatest difficulty we have in this world is trusting God. Many will say: “I could never believe in a God who would _________.” This means the ultimate question always is: “Is God GOOD?”

Romans 8:38-39 | Memorize these two verses together with Romans 8:1! Proclaim them out loud often! These are the bookends of this powerful chapter, which proclaim the truth about who God is, the fact that He IS GOOD, and about who we are, His precious children who will never be condemned nor ever be separated from God’s love: all because of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Dig Deeper: Psalm 103:2-3, Psalm 147:3, Matthew 9:9-13 & 11:28-30, Acts 10, James 5:13-16