The Anointed

The Anointed

Who is the judge of all creation? Did you guess God the Father? Or, is it someone else? And what is His judgment? And how do we deal with all of this in our lives? Join us as we discover the answers to these questions and more as we study Psalm 2 today and learn about THE ANOINTED!

The Angel

The Angel

When we read about “THE ANGEL OF THE LORD” in the Old Testament, we need to know: Just who IS this guy? Spoiler Alert: JESUS! But wait, what does this mean for us and why is it important? These are the questions we are setting out to answer today and those answers contain some important surprises that will help each of us tremendously on our journey of following HIM!

The Mercy Seat

The Mercy Seat

Where do heaven and earth fully overlap? Why is it important to know the answer to this question? It could be said that we cannot fully understand just who Jesus is without reading Leviticus, so today, as we arrive at part six of our journey of discovering Jesus in the Old Testament, we will do just that!

The Temple

The Temple

What is the Temple? Or, should we ask: Who is the Temple? Today as our resident historian Bill Crosby leads us in a study of the Old Testament story of the Temple, we will look at the original context of whose idea it was to build the temple in the first place and how that building took place. And then we will see what God did after that! You are invited!

The Holy Place

The Holy Place

Are you holy? How does one become holy? What does it take? Isn’t the whole idea to become holy so that you can go to heaven? Today we are asking these questions together and discovering what Scripture has to say about all of these things. You will be surprised at what God’s Word has to say to you as we enter THE HOLY PLACE!

The Mountain

The Mountain

God is not capricious. HE IS LOVE. He forces no one to do anything. At all times He preserves our dignity. This trial was not only to see what Abraham believed, but to also demonstrate to us what HE would be willing to do FOR us! Join us as we discover Jesus on The Mountain!

The Garden

The Garden

Who have you always pictured “walking in the garden” in the Book of Genesis? Some say this is all “metaphorical” or “anthropomorphic” language because they are using reason over and above Scripture. Join us today to see exactly how Scripture explicitly calls Jesus…GOD! And then, even more importantly, what does this mean for all of us?!?



Esther is a pivotal story both in its narrative and in its timing. Persia was a powerful empire, and, as you know Esther will represent the Hebrew people, and ultimately save them by her sacrifice. Does that sound familiar? A person willing to die for the people in order to save them through sacrifice? You are invited to join us as Bill Crosby leads through the story of Esther, which both looks back and prophesies forward!

Your Faith Has Saved you

Your Faith Has Saved you

In today’s special service, we hear from church planter Jim Bartok from Ozark, MO who is sharing a powerful message from Luke 7, where we read: “Then those who were at table with him began to say among themselves, ‘Who is this, who even forgives sins?’ And Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.’” Luke 7:49-50.

Walk In Him

Walk In Him

How do we “walk in Him”? We need His promises! We need to grow in these promises and ponder them. These promises tell us precisely WHO HE is, and that He is IN ALL THINGS, and that in Him, ALL THINGS hold together…all of which determines WHO WE are! Join us for a VERY special celebration of our Youth team’s ministry this year as they help lead our worship and study of God’s Word!

A New Humanity

A New Humanity

You have heard it said: "Don't go to church. BE the church." This is great, but the truth is even better: You already ARE the church. You ARE the New Humanity! You HAVE BEEN called! This is what the Greek Word for church means: EKKLESIA = "the assembly of those called out".

You are invited to join us for the conclusion of our journey through 1 Peter as we ponder who we are: A New Humanity!

Wow!! Jesus For Us

Wow!! Jesus For Us

What WOWs us? More importantly, what about the WOW in Jesus…for us?

Because of God’s mercies, we are free to join Him in what He is already doing! But the world does not let go of us easily, and seeks for us to conform to its pattern rather than being transformed by Jesus! This is why we must always seek the face of Jesus found in His Word, by His Spirit, and in His love!

Join us as Pastor Dar Karsten leads us in the WOW in Jesus for us!

Gospelers not Grumblers

Gospelers not Grumblers

As THE NEW HUMANITY, we live as bearers of GOOD NEWS, not grumblers about all the things we dislike or despise. And yet, we all struggle with this challenge…so where do we get the power to participate with Jesus in the restoration of all things? The answer sounds strange at first, but join us as we discover God’s design (and power!) for you and me to be Gosplers Not Grumblers!

Naturally Supernatural

Naturally Supernatural

Is Baptism a mere symbol? Is it an “outward sign of an inward faith?” What does the Bible say? The Bible says: “Baptism now saves you.” Do these words mean what in fact they sound like they mean? Join us today as we ask these powerful questions together. Discover how God is Naturally Supernatural!

Heirs of Grace

Heirs of Grace

Is the Bible simply outdated? Isn’t it true that we’ve moved beyond God’s primitive ways and now we’ve come up with better plans…or, are we in fact still heirs of His grace? Are we still called to live in his household and therefore build lives that come from His household and reflect His household? But if that is true, then won’t we end up looking really…different?

Yessssssss! You are invited to join us today as we study 1 Peter 3:1-17!