Gospelers not Grumblers

Gospelers not Grumblers

As THE NEW HUMANITY, we live as bearers of GOOD NEWS, not grumblers about all the things we dislike or despise. And yet, we all struggle with this challenge…so where do we get the power to participate with Jesus in the restoration of all things? The answer sounds strange at first, but join us as we discover God’s design (and power!) for you and me to be Gosplers Not Grumblers!

Naturally Supernatural

Naturally Supernatural

Is Baptism a mere symbol? Is it an “outward sign of an inward faith?” What does the Bible say? The Bible says: “Baptism now saves you.” Do these words mean what in fact they sound like they mean? Join us today as we ask these powerful questions together. Discover how God is Naturally Supernatural!

Heirs of Grace

Heirs of Grace

Is the Bible simply outdated? Isn’t it true that we’ve moved beyond God’s primitive ways and now we’ve come up with better plans…or, are we in fact still heirs of His grace? Are we still called to live in his household and therefore build lives that come from His household and reflect His household? But if that is true, then won’t we end up looking really…different?

Yessssssss! You are invited to join us today as we study 1 Peter 3:1-17!

God's Loyal Love

God's Loyal Love

The world’s love has conditions. Sometimes money is the condition. Sometimes good looks are the condition. Sometimes agreeing with a particular point of view is the condition…Love is love…it would seem.

But, what is God’s love like? That is what Bill Crosby and the PW Spiritual Support Team is leading us in today while our Youth Team is in Houston for the National Youth Gathering. You are invited to join in as we discover, together, God’s LOYAL Love: Khesed!!!!

Free Slaves

Free Slaves

People who “do whatever they want” are not free. If you have tried this, you know it is true. There is more to freedom…much more. In fact, our “Uncle Marty” once wrote:

  • A Christian is the most free of all, subject to no one.

  • A Christian is the most servant of all, subject to everyone.

What is going on with these two seemingly contradictory statements? Where did Martin Luther get this idea from? From several Scriptures, including 1 Peter 2:13-25, which is what we are studying today! Join us!

The Royal Priesthood

The Royal Priesthood

Saying you are a “Christian” is the same as saying you are a “priest”. This is the kind of power and office Christians have. Each of us is called to tell of the mighty works of God in our lives and instruct others about what you have learned. For each of us we carry out this office as we are gifted to do.

But, um, HOW?

You are invited to join us for this special study of 1 Peter 2:1-12

Completely Different

Completely Different

So if it is true that we do not belong in this broken world…what do we do? Escape is not our plan. We have been made Completely Different, so that we could BE Completely Different by a God who is Completely Different SO THAT we could participate with Him in making a difference in the things that matter most.

Join us as we discover what it means to be HOLY.



We are “not from around here.” We are exiles, travelers, sojourners on this earth. And God has SENT us to the place where we are at!

So then, how do we “do church?” Do we just wait around for Jesus to return or does He have a mission for us? Does He not have a plan for us now? If we are Sojourners, how then shall we live in this foreign land?



What happened on this day, 1989 years ago? The CHURCH was born.

But…is that a good thing? Isn't the church just a big mess where there is division and distrust and oppression and frustration and gossip and hurt and sadness?


Because the church is IN the world.

The church is where heaven and earth overlap. So the church is ALSO a place where God's gifts are freely given, where healing is found, where hope is splashing all around, and where GRACE MERCY and the PERFECT PEACE of the Holy Spirit are poured out.

You are invited to join us to receive His gifts today!

Resurrection Breakfast

Resurrection Breakfast

We don’t put our trust in Jesus because He was a “good teacher” or because He was a “good man”. No, we follow Jesus because He rose from the dead. And His Resurrection changes everything, especially for us, because it defines who we are…not in mere terms of our short grief-stricken lives…but in terms of our eternal participation with Him in the restoration of all things!

Still Believing

Still Believing

Our world often describes death as a “natural part of life.” This is, by far, the biggest and most egregious lie in the universe. DEATH IS THE END OF LIFE. We were not created to die. We were created to live forever. This is why Jesus Came to Save Us! He came to give us eternal, bodily, resurrected LIFE!!!!!

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

We learned on Palm Sunday that God does not send people to hell, He saves people from hell!

We learned on Maundy Thursday that the Savior’s infinite generosity comes to us in a meal that gives us power to then PARTICIPATE with Him to take what we’ve been given and share it, namely His life-giving love.

We learned on Good Friday, Jesus' powerful words: IT IS FINISHED.

On Easter—RESURRECTION DAY—we are going to come to the tomb early and see His promises fulfilled as we discover the EIGHTH DAY OF CREATION...