No Other Name

Acts 3:3 // Most language regarding finances and salvation overlaps. This is not an accident! The crippled man asked for what he thought would save him…
Acts 3:6 // Think about your upbringing. When you have had experiences with “churchy” stuff, has it always been a “give” situation (like we see here in Acts) or have you experienced more of a “if…then” situation like this: “If you _____ then God will _____.”

Acts 3:12 // Jesus SAVES when we GIVE others His ACCOUNT. It is not our power or godliness!
Acts 3:15 // Who is Jesus? The Author of Life.
Acts 3:16 // Name = WHO not “what”. Not magic words at the end of a prayer, not an incantation, an active trust in WHO HE IS.

Acts 4:12 // How do we handle our accounting? Through IDENTITY, not accomplishment.
Saved = Rescued, Preserved, Provided for, Safety, Security, Peace…all based upon WHO HE IS and WHO YOU ARE.
Acts 4:13 // They had “been with Jesus.”